Kurt Lee


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GovAnalysis landing page - chats are saved when you sign up!

GovernAnalysis (GovAnalysis) is an open-source AI chatbot app that utilises RAG to provide accurate recommendations for government business support schemes, aimed to help small and medium-sized businesses.

Starting a business is difficult enough. The Singapore government provides a large range of support schemes for businesses to benefit from. However, it can be difficult to navigate all the different schemes available. As a result, finding schemes that are most suitable for your business needs can be hard. Therefore, we made GovAnalysis to simplify finding support schemes that will benefit your business.

GovAnalysis is free for everybody to try out, check out GovAnalysis here!


GovAnalysis aims to

GovAnalysis is build with

We also used the Supabase Vector Store to house all information about government support schemes for businesses. This allows us to quickly query information based on its similarity with the user's queries, allowing our large language model to serve accurate and useful recommendations.


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